Cannabis for Stress, Chronic Pain and Depression

Jacob Doyle Haslem
8 min readSep 29, 2017

For my dear friend Juliano… and his family.

When you google search Cannabis for stress, chronic pain and depression you get cannabis websites. Which is why the hardest thing to do these day is convince someone cannabis can be medicine. People have been taught since the 1930 to believe that Cannabis is a dangerous drug that leads to other more worse drugs… But at this point people are taking so many over the counter drugs from “trust worthy sources” any yet an opioid epidemic terrorizes the world today.

Cannabis is medicine and it alway has been. Just know dosage and quality is critical just like anything. On the contrary, no one has ever overdosed on cannabis… because cannabis is a very unique plant and it’s chemical make up fits with the human endocannabinoid system in a symbiotic way that can bring the human body into homeostasis and allow it to relax and heal. Even without having to experience the sensation of being “high”

Definition of Endocannabinoid & Homeostasis:

Endocannabinoid: The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the mammalian brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, consisting of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors.

Homeostasis: The tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes

But Today we’re talking about how cannabis is a solution to Stress, Chronic Pain & Depression… yes all at the same time.

Below are some screen captures from What you are looking at is a list of medical studies showing the effectiveness Cannabis has when dealing with Stress, Chronic Pain, & Depression.

Each study can be tracked back to the original scientific process and official results and record.


Reason for posting the list of medical studies is to show you how much research has already been done to show the effectiveness of medical cannabis.

If you want to diver into medical cannabis studies further just check out Cannabis Reports Medical Studies Section.

If you are convinced medical cannabis can be an options for your Stress, Pain, and Depression keep reading.

Medical Cannabis Solution for Stress, Pain and Depression

Information from Science Daily, Web MD & Health Line


Low-dose THC can relieve stress; more does just the opposite

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago report that low levels tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, does reduce stress, but in a highly dose-dependent manner: very low doses lessened the jitters of a public-speaking task, while slightly higher doses — enough to produce a mild “high” — actually increased anxiety.


Ware’s team tried three different potencies of marijuana, with the highest a concentration at 9.4% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) herbal cannabis.

Aug. 30, 2010 — Three puffs a day of cannabis, better known as marijuana, helps people with chronic nerve pain due to injury or surgery feel less pain and sleep better, a Canadian team has found.

‘’It’s been known anecdotally,” says researcher Mark Ware, MD, assistant professor of anesthesia and family medicine at McGill University in Montreal. “About 10% to 15% of patients attending a chronic pain clinic use cannabis as part of their pain [control] strategy,” he tells WebMD.


Right now, researchers share that possible benefits include the restoration of “normal” endocannabinoid function and mood stabilization.

Participants in the study reported a 64 percent decrease in pain while using marijuana. Many also experienced a decrease in anxiety and better sleep while using the drug.

Medical Cannabis Solutions for Stress, Pain and Depression from

Stress: Low-dose THC

Fight or Flight (source)

When faced with a stressor, the body responds by going into a fight-or-flight mode. The hypothalamus, located in the brain, triggers the release of stress hormones that prepare the person to either fight or run. The blood is infused with elevated levels of adrenaline, cortisol and other chemicals that cause rapid breathing, increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and dilated pupils. Muscles tighten and more acid is secreted in the stomach.

Chronic stress or sporadic exposure to stress can lead to peptic ulcer and disrupt regular bowel movement, causing constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms also include frequent headaches, insomnia, fatigue, skin rashes and chest pain. When the stress is too overwhelming, such as with trauma, anxiety disorder may develop and rewire the neural circuitry in the brain. With stress, the way neurons transmit information is altered and brain structures associated with emotionally charged memories may be changed. It is also common for patients with some form of anxiety disorder to be diagnosed with depression.

Marijuana’s Effects on the Brain (source)

An animal model study done by the University at Buffalo’s Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) showed that chronic stress reduces the production of endocannabinoids, natural chemicals synthesized in the brain that control motor functions, cognition and emotions, as well as regulate anxiety. Endocannabinoids are similar to the compounds found in cannabis, including one of its active ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

THC mimics the structurally similar anandamide, a mood-regulating endocannabinoid, by binding to cannabinoid receptors. It also increases the concentration of dopamine, a powerful neurotransmitter that elicits pleasant sensations. Low dopamine levels have been linked to anxiety.

“Using compounds derived from cannabis — marijuana — to restore normal endocannabinoid function could potentially help stabilize moods and ease depression,” said Samir Haj-Dahmane, Ph.D., who headed the research that was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and published in the “Journal of Neuroscience.”

In another study%20AND%20%22Neuron%22%5BJournal%5D) led by Vanderbilt University, the use of electron microscopy allowed researchers to identify cannabinoid receptors in the amygdala, the part of the brain that is the seat of emotions. The cannabinoids found in marijuana bind to these receptors and inhibit excitatory neurotransmitters. The findings “may help explain why marijuana users say they take the drug mainly to reduce anxiety,” said Sachin Patel, M.D., Ph.D., the senior author of Nueron.

Pain: Low-dose THC

Top 5 Products to Fight Chronic Pain (source)

I am always on the lookout for cannabis products that will keep my chronic pain in check so I can enjoy all that life has to offer.

Here are five products we recommend for toppling chronic pain with medical marijuana. Everyone reacts differently, so our selection has many different product types from edibles to topicals. Depending on what works for you, we suggest products with different ratios of CBD to THC.

Depression: Terpenes & Low-dose Sativa strains

Terpenes are Key (source)

Some terpenes found in cannabis can also help alleviate symptoms of depression. Terpenes, which are found in many plants other than cannabis as well, are responsible for giving different strains of cannabis their smell and flavor. There are about 120 terpenes that are found across all of the varieties of cannabis, though some are more present than others. Limonene, which is the second most common terpene found in cannabis, is known for its citrus scent and flavor.

Limonene is known to relieve both depression and anxiety, though it can also help stimulate the immune system, alleviate gastrointestinal issues, and fight tumors and infections. Linalool, which is a terpene known for its floral aroma, is known to be especially helpful with mental conditions. Linalool, which is also found in plants like mint and cinnamon, can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Choosing the Right Strain (source)

Finding the right strain for your depression is a process of discovery to see what will work best for you. Sativa strains are known to be uplifting, which can be helpful for many people with depression. Sometimes multiple strains are needed, depending on the time of day or type of symptoms a person is experiencing. Dosage is also extremely important when it comes to medical marijuana for depression. It is important to start low and slow, because too strong of a dose could cause an adverse effect. Here is our round up of some top marijuana strains for depression.

Medical Cannabis Action Steps for Managing Stress, Pain and Depression

The Cannabis Health Index on Cannabis Reports dot com. Is not only a tool for discovering medical studies that show off the effectiveness of cannabis but a guide for using cannabis mindfully.

The book not only assist you in trusting cannabis as a solution for your medical condition but offers insight into how to think about your experience and how to relax into the feelings that come.

Relaxing is much of the solution to the problem.

Stress… means worrying to much, so relax and take quality time to figure out the solution.

Chronic Pain… means you need to take time to heal and rebalance your system. Many times cannabis is not a permeant solution to your pain and you’ll need to probably change your diet as well as add some physical activity to your life. But relief from the pain is often a good motivator to get up and cook or move around.

Depression… means you’re most likely unhappy with your current situation in life, and are dwelling on the past or really don’t want to be where you are and need to figure out how to work or live in a different way. Taking quality time to relax and think is often a really good first step.

Cannabis is an intelligent plant that will work in harmony with your human body and mind… as long you put in the mental and physical work yourself.

Cannabis is not a cure all pill. The ultimate solution to your Stress, Chronic Pain and Depression is most often a lifestyle issue and will require you to rebalance your mind.

Cannabis can help you start taking control over your thinking and in turn take control over your life.

Cannabis does not solve your problems… it supports your human system like other herbs to assist the body in taking care of it’s self. It help your immune system learn to adapt and learn. It is a plant and has healing properties like other herbs such as ginger or garlic… only cannabis is off the charts in comparison.

Cannabis is most effect in it’s raw state. Such as the juice from the leaves or buds. The plant is not psychoactive until after it is heated or aged for a period of time.

What type of strain the plant is, and how the plant is grown will generate different levels of potency as well as ranges in amounts of THC-A or CBD-A. Chemical changes that take place in the heating process make the plant effective for different conditions…. Terpenes also play an important role, and different strains of cannabis carry different amounts and types of terpenes.

THC-A: Active Chemical in Cannabis Before Heated

THC: Active Chemical in Cannabis After Heated

CBD-A: Active Chemical in Cannabis Before Heated

CBD: Active Chemical in Cannabis After Heated

Terpenes: Found in many plants, also Active Chemicals in Cannabis before and after being heated

The full benefits of cannabis are still being discovered!

Enjoy your journey into the true nature of reality and your brand new healthy lifestyle.



